JNH health care provide vaccination for typhoid, Hepatitis B, fill, HINI , Pneumonia, tetanus and other infections disease at home. The more people who are vaccinated in the community the lower the risk of infection. This means that when your child is vaccinated, you protect them as well as those around them.

Immunity: immunity helps protect those at high risk of developing disease and severe complication, such as –

  • Adults 65 years of age and older.
  • Infants and children too young to be vaccinated.
  • People with health conditions that affect their immune system.


Vaccines have successfully lowered the rates of disease in countries with strong vaccination programs. Some of the diseases that vaccines prevent have no treatment. These diseases can cause: - Severe illness and disability. Vaccines are still very important infections that could make your child vary sick. Also Adults need to keep their vaccination up to date because you are also at risk for different disease as an adult.

All adults need :-

  • COVID-19 vaccine
  • Influenza (flu)
  • Td or To lap vaccine

You may need other vaccines based on your age, health conditions, and lifestyle or travel habits. Vaccines may be recommended for you so you can visit our healthcare centre. Our goal has always been to build bust and relinbility.


We Provide the highest level of satisfaction care & services to our patients.